Tender coconut are picked when they’re around 7 months old and contain more water than mature coconuts.
A Grade Tender Coconut specifications list are given below

- Tender coconut consistent green/red/biscuit color or reddish shade on top without any damage or discoloration.
- It can’t find one without brown spots.
- Round coconuts tend to carry more water than oblong ones.
- The coconut will feel heavy for its size due to the water
- Water quantity in one tender coconut is above 200 ML
- Sweet water only.
- All the A Grade Tender Coconut weight is above 1.3 Kg up to 2.5 KG
- Average weight ratio is 1.5KG to 2.3 KG in a truck load.
- We are giving special care when the tender coconut is harvesting for maintains the grade quality.
- More demanded in Delhi Retail Market rate up to Rs.100/piece of this A Grade tender coconuts
For more details for buying call or whats app 9037250400