coconut cultivation in Karnataka among various plantation crops, coconut also known as Kalpavriksha is the most useful palm for human being. It is used for both food and non-food products. Tender coconut is widely used in tropical regions. Coconut oil contains abundant vitamins and minerals. Major value added products of coconut are soaps, hair oil, cosmetics, etc. It is also major sources of livelihood to major sources of rural folk.
Coconut cultivation in Karnataka is mainly concentrated in 10 districts. On the other hand, in recent years, improvements in cultivation practices and breeding have produced high yield coconut trees. With this respect, though coconut has got wide a spread use, its production is subjected to drastic fluctuations in Karnataka state which might be due to various reasons. Hence, an attempt is made to analyse the production of coconut in Karnataka state on one hand and on the other hand to predict the production of coconut in Karnataka in general and in Chikmangalur district in particular.