Why deposit required for regular Supply?

Every wholesale buyer have more doubts about why deposit required for regular supply.

Here is the answer for your questions?
  • We want to ensure you are buying tender coconut regularly from us because.
  • Keep the Tender coconut harvesting people regular in same farm continues?
  • Availability of harvesting people as per the requirements?
  • Harvesting people will not move for job in another farm without our knowledge.
  • We can reduce the tender coconut harvesting and transportation charge if we are keeping regular.
  • We can keep the farm tender coconut availability for regular buyers.
  • Coconut harvesting will be more accurate as per the buyer requirements.
  • Loading will be finish with in 24 hours time schedule 25 ton load.
  • Competitor loading vehicle will not effect your loading with quality.
  • 5 % to 6% Tender coconut free for all regular customer.
  • Tender coconut bunch and loose ration will be 80% and 20% will maintain as per the requirements.
  • If price drop in market the same ratio price discount will be applied.

If you want become a regular customer make payment of Rupees 3 Lakh refundable deposit.

Call or whats-app for more details 9037250400

Tender coconut harvesting

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