Tall x Dwarf hybrids coconut varieties

Tall x Dwarf hybrids, often referred to as “TxD hybrids,” are a popular type of hybrid coconut that combines the advantageous traits of both tall and dwarf coconut varieties. Here are some key aspects of TxD hybrids:


  1. Yield: TxD hybrids typically have a higher nut yield compared to pure tall or dwarf varieties. They can produce up to 100-150 nuts per year.
  2. Early Bearing: These hybrids start bearing fruit earlier, usually within 3-4 years after planting.
  3. Nut Size and Quality: The nuts are generally of good size, with higher copra and oil content.
  4. Tree Height: These hybrids tend to have a medium height, combining the manageable height of dwarf coconuts with the robustness of tall varieties.
  5. Disease Resistance: Improved resistance to common diseases and pests, benefiting from the genetic diversity of the hybrid.


  • Increased Productivity: Higher nut production and earlier fruiting lead to increased overall productivity.
  • Economic Advantage: Early fruiting and higher yields translate to quicker and higher returns on investment for farmers.
  • Quality of Produce: Better quality nuts with higher copra and oil content, which are valuable for commercial purposes.

Cultivation Tips

  1. Soil and Climate: TxD hybrids perform best in well-drained sandy loam soils with a pH range of 5.5 to 7.0. They thrive in tropical climates with consistent rainfall or adequate irrigation.
  2. Spacing: Adequate spacing (usually about 7.5 x 7.5 meters) is essential to ensure proper growth and sunlight exposure.
  3. Fertilization: Regular fertilization with a balanced mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other micronutrients is crucial for optimal growth and yield.
  4. Pest and Disease Management: Regular monitoring and integrated pest management practices help maintain tree health and productivity.

Examples of TxD Hybrids

  • Chandrasankara (COD x WCT): A popular hybrid in India known for its high yield and early bearing.
  • KGB (Kera Ganga Brown): Known for good copra content and adaptability.

Tall x Dwarf hybrids are a promising option for coconut farmers looking to enhance their production efficiency and profitability.

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